1267 HCR 1414, Covington, TX 76636

1267 HCR 1414, Covington, TX 76636

house with attached garage, Hill County TX, Covington TX, acreage with house for sale, house auction, Myers Jackson, Auctioneer TDLR 17057

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 Myers Jackson TX Auctioneer TDLR 17057

STOP clicking around, end your search, offer your price here. #BidCovingtonTexas. Settle with this Home, Land and Barn on 3 plus acres. 20 to 30 minutes south of Fort Worth. Nestled in a private secluded setting with an excellent view. New fencing, gated driveway, carport, two out buildings, stock tanks, chain link, flower beds, barn with office, corrals, head gate, two tanks, fenced and cross fenced with some solar electric fence, mature trees, coastal hay field in the front and the back. Hard wood floors, ceramic tile, and carpet in the master and den. GET A FREE LINK TO FIND OUT MORE. CALL Myers Jackson America's Auctioneer TDLR 17057. Subject to Buyers Premiums, Starting Bids, Reserve, Terms and Conditions Apply.

Special terms and conditions apply for all sales.

1267 HCR 1414, Covington, Texas 76636